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eLys - A digital future for the Declaration of death

In collaboration with Flemish cities, municipalities, general practitioners, hospitals, funeral directors and the federal government, Athumi is working on a new, digital approach to reporting deaths.

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Within the framework of the revival project Gemeente zonder gemeentehuis, eight local authorities have taken the initiative for a digitalization project concerning death registration.

Athumi, which has been involved in this project since its inception, will be responsible for the building, maintenance, and further development of the platform.

New Digital Platform

Thanks to the new digital platform, the process of reporting deaths will now be entirely digital:

The physician who confirms the death will use a user-friendly and secure web application instead of paper forms. Local authorities will receive the necessary information for the death certificate immediately and digitally. The funeral director will also communicate through the platform and thus receive permission for burial or cremation.

This digitalization will result in significant time savings and relieve all parties involved, both public and private."

Building blocks of the platform

  • Digital registration of the confirmation of death by a physician.
  • Administrative processing of the funeral by the municipality and funeral director.
  • Automatic and digital data transfer to crematoria and cemeteries.
  • Automatic dataflow for death statistics.
"With a digital platform for death administration, we can assist bereaved relatives more quickly and efficiently during a difficult time. Thanks to smooth access to correct data and documents, we as funeral directors can take our services to a higher level."

Johan Dexters and Céderic Messiaen

Presidents of the Royal Federation of the Belgian Funeral Sector and of Uitvaartunie Vlaanderen (Flanders Funeral Association).

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