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Een half jaar VIP in cijfers

Met 300 aangesloten gemeenten, 4.548 unieke aanvragers en 272.236 gedigitaliseerde dossiers, onderstreept VIP zijn impact op de vastgoedsector.

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De digitalisering van de vastgoedsector: VIP versnelt de informatie-uitwisseling

Ontdek hoe het Vastgoedinformatieplatform (VIP) de vastgoedsector transformeert door efficiëntere en snellere informatie-uitwisseling.

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The role of data in the energy transition

The energy transition, away from fossil fuels and towards more renewable energy sources that do not emit co2 and particulate matter is in full swing. You can see it in solar panels already on hundreds of thousands of roofs in Flanders, but also in the installation of heat pumps and home batteries, and the rapid increase in electric mobility, both on two and four wheels.

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Athumi and itsme® launch innovative solution to replace student certificates

Less administration for students and companies that use student data.

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