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GIPPD: more cooperation and less disruption

The Generic Information Platform Public Domain (GIPPD) is Athumi’s digital exchange platform that collects and standardizes data on utility and road works Information about planned events, parking bans and nuisance in the public domain is also exchanged thanks to the GIPPD. This information network offers cable and pipeline operators, public domain managers and transport company De Lijn an environment for smart data sharing.

GIPOD Hero Visual v2

Secure, reliable and non-exclusive data ecosystems

Our partners

We always realise products and solutions in data spaces by working together. Together with our partners, we put Flanders on the map as a world player in datatech.

Digitaal Vlaanderen
agentschap maritieme dienstverlening en kust
de vlaamse waterweg
agentschap wegen en verkeer
de lijn
mobiliteit en openbare werken

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