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Athumi @ The Expo: Manage My Health

Under the banner 'Manage My Health', Athumi works on innovative applications to do more with available health data. Read below how we - together with our partners - make personal data work together smoothly and securely.

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'Manage my Health': what is it?

Being healthy is more than just not being sick. It also means that you feel good, are energetic, and can enjoy life. Exercise and sports have proven positive effects on body and mind, which can help you prevent diseases and increase your well-being.

In addition, there are of course a lot of peripheral factors that help determine which specific activities are feasible. Consider available time, living environment, nutrition, age, (chronic) diseases, allergies, and so on.

Exercise and sports have already acquired a strong data component in recent years, with activity trackers, sports watches, heart rate monitors and of course all associated apps.

"Being able to measure your own progress and share or compare it with others is often an additional motivator for sporting performance."
Sarah Smits

Sarah Smits

Lead Business unit Health

In addition, there are now more and more other health data that have become easier to measure. Smart scales, real-time blood sugar monitoring, full body composition scans, detailed insights into cardiovascular status, and so on.

So a lot of data that can be combined and analyzed to discover connections and provide better preventive health advice.

However, there are still some obstacles to taking the philosophy of 'measuring is knowing' to a higher or more integrated level. Much of this data is locked in silos and there is not yet a suitable way to work with it outside the app or platform. Could that be different?

Certainly! Under the banner Manage My Health, Athumi works on innovative applications to do more with available data, in collaboration with We Are and Departement Zorg.

Some examples of how these innovative applications could be put into practice in the future can be found here:

In collaboration with our partners:

Partners health 1

Some examples of how these innovative applications could be put into practice in the future can be found here:

Manage my Health voorbeeld 1

Example 1

Personalized advice for a healthier life

You take an Energy Scan at Energy Lab:

  • You complete a health questionnaire.
  • A sports and nutrition schedule is drawn up on this basis.
  • Information from Vitalink - such as a food allergy schedule - is added to this.
  • This is how you create a personal health profile.

This data is shared smartly and securely with a supermarket or meal box provider in order to offer the right food products at the right price, taking into account the nutritional plan drawn up, personal preferences (e.g. veggie or vegan), and allergies and intolerances.

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Example 2

Better medical services

Suppose you go to your doctor or specialist. You want to give them a more complete and accurate picture of relevant aspects of your life, because this makes it easier for them to provide better preventive advice.

For example, think of:

  • targeted sports and exercise advice based on self-collected data or insights from specific sports tests
  • faster detection of risks of type 2 diabetes
  • more efficient prevention of cardiovascular disease
  • etc
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Example 3

Contribute to the general interest and better prevention

The safety and control that is ingrained in the Athumi Pod not only has an impact on an individual level. Since it becomes possible to share specific data anonymously, citizens can participate without obligation in large-scale population surveys by academic or government institutions. By participating in such a data-driven prevention study, you contribute in an accessible way to the Flemish Health Data Space, an initiative with a lot of (health) potential.

An important pillar of this ecosystem is the ZorgAtlas, a powerful data sharing platform for (government) data on health and well-being. By working with detailed datasets from large groups of people, researchers can uncover new insights that ultimately lead to better recommendations for living a healthy and fit life for longer.

What is Athumi?

Athumi, founded by the Flemish Government as a neutral data intermediary, helps companies and sectors to achieve more data collaboration. Athumi has a clear B2B focus, but also operates in a B2B2C context with a social mission towards citizens and society. Thanks to Athumi, citizens can safely participate in the data economy, while companies gain more opportunities to offer innovative B2B and B2C services.

What does Athumi do?

Athumi wants to bring companies closer to their users and consumers.

By providing control and transparency about sensitive data to consumers, by creating trust between companies, we can keep more data flowing.

And more data means more innovation. Since Athumi is a neutral party and has no business interest in the data we collaborate with, we are ideally placed to introduce companies to this new form of data collaboration, across the borders of their home market.

Every new data highway, every new connection opens up new possibilities for new products, new services, new revenue models.

What do Athumi Pods stand for?

Athumi Pods are 'Personal Online Datastores', personal data vaults where consumers can store their personal data and choose who has access to what data and for what period in time.

What is the digital health vault Vitalink?

Vitalink is a secure IT platform that shares structured health information between various health actors involved in your care. Of course, you can also gain access to your own file yourself. In the future it will be possible to add information yourself, giving you more insight into your health and more control over your treatment.

Thanks to information sharing, healthcare providers can work together more effectively and they always have the most recent basic information at their disposal. This is particularly crucial for health information that is essential to ensure continuity of care, enable integrated care provision and contribute to preventive care provision. This means that, for example, you also have access to important information from the file that your general practitioner keeps about you in the hospital.

The data shared via Vitalink includes your medication schedule, a summary of your medical file with your general practitioner, vaccinations, the Kind&Gezin file for young children, population studies for cancer, and so on.

Vitalink acts as the platform where all this data is stored and shared, although it is not a separate software application itself. Healthcare providers are connected to Vitalink via their own software package or the hospital's electronic patient file. As a citizen, you can consult your data via web applications such as MijnGezondheid, MyHealthViewer, Cozo, MyNexusHealth, and via mobile apps such as My Medicines or Helena. More information: Vitalink.

What is the difference between the Athumi personal data vault and the Vitalink digital health vault?

The Athumi personal data vault and the Vitalink digital health vault differ in focus and objectives. Vitalink is a Flemish health vault for healthcare providers to facilitate data exchange and support care continuity, while Athumi's personal data vault within the Solid ecosystem focuses on secure data exchange at the request of the citizen. Both vaults complement and reinforce each other in the interest of the citizen within the data sharing ecosystem in the healthcare sector.

In Vitalink you will find the data that your healthcare providers need to work together, in accordance with the rules agreed upon interfederally. If you also want to share some of that data with others, or if you want to share data other than that from Vitalink with your healthcare providers, you can do this with Athumi.

How can citizens manage access to information in the digital health vault Vitalink, and how can they manage/consult this information themselves?

Vitalink is part of the interfederal eHealth ecosystem, making it connected to the hospital networks and to Vitalink's counterparts in Wallonia and Brussels. Uniform agreements apply within this network with regard to the management and protection of personal data. Your data will only be shared if you have given explicit permission for it to be shared. This permission applies to both data exchange between hospitals and to connections with primary care via Vitalink. In addition, a careful system of healthcare relationships has been set up, so that only healthcare providers with whom you have a formal relationship are allowed to consult or supplement your data. You have the option to view and adjust your healthcare relationships and consent online via platforms such as Mijn gezondheid, MyHealthViewer, Cozo, and so on. More information: Informed consent and healthcare relationships | Vitalink.

What is We Are?

We Are gives citizens control over their personal health data. The We Are tools and principles allow people to manage their own data and decide who has access to what data. For more information see We Are.

Who develops We Are?

We Are is being developed by a partnership of various healthcare organizations, namely Domus Medica, VITO, the Flemish Patient Platform and Zorgnet Icuro. Together they create a sustainable system for managing personal health data. For more information see We Are.

Why is We Are necessary?

People's trust is essential to share and reuse their health data. Not only do we build security into the technology and infrastructure, We Are also effectively shapes that trust in how you give permission for data. We make it very transparent and visual who uses your data and for what purpose and you always decide who has permission for how long and for what, and you can withdraw it at any time.

For more information see We Are.

What is your data profile?

imec developed a test where you can discover what your data profile is. Are you a Carefree Opportunist, a Dissolute Enthusiast, a Privacy Pioneer or rather a Suspicious Straggler?